Change App Icons. Customization is key in today’s era. Many people want to make their smartphones according to their style. They want to change the icons of the apps at will There are many applications whose icons change but some do not change, for them, we use third-party tools with the help of which you can easily change the icons of your apps. In this article, we will change the icons using the same secret application.
Why Customize or Change App Icons?
First, it’s important to understand why you want to change the icons.
Some people want to customize the appearance of their mobile to fit their personality.
Some of us also change the error icons because it makes your smartphone look more beautiful and clean.
Now we learn how to change the icons of our applications.
What is a Secret Application?
This secret application refers to third-party applications that are very popular with the help of which you can customize your smartphone. You can change the icons on your mobile phone. These are very useful applications for customizing your mobile device. We will read about the applications that are very popular very convenient and effective in use.
How to Change App Icons: Step-by-Step Process
First, we will download the application with the assistance of which we can change the symbols in our cell phones.
Top Secret Applications to Change App Icons
1. Nova Launcher (offers full customization of app icons)
2. Icon Changer (dedicated solely to changing app icons)
3. X Icon Changer (simple interface, supports custom images)
You can download these applications from the Google Play Store or the Application Store. Download and introduce one of these applications
Open the Application
After installation, you have to open the application. Their interface may be slightly different after opening.
Then you have to select the application. The icon you want to change
After this, the option to change the icon will be shown in front of you You have to select the icon with which you want to change the icon You can change it with your photo. You can also add photos to the icon.
You can modify the size and state of your photographs
The advantages of a secret application
You can design your mobile phone.
It makes your mobile phone look unique.
This app is for friends only. which can likewise be utilized by amateurs
Final Thoughts
Customizing your mobile to change its icons is one of the best ways to change its designs with the help of applications such as the UpXIcon Launcher Novel Launcher if you want to get your own custom icons. If you want to customize the mobile, this application allows you to create custom designs. A small change of apps in your mobile can make a huge impact that you can save your Alloy completely and feel it now, so why not give it a try.